Turn your knowledge into passive income by creating an online signature offer and selling it automatically with an evergreen webinar funnel.

Turn your knowledge into passive income by creating an online signature offer and selling it automatically with an evergreen video funnel.

Automatic Sales Academy is a self-paced program that will walk you through the exact system I've used to make my first $100k online! 

automatic sales academy

sign me up!

Just imagine waking up, checking your notifications and BOOM! You made sales!

This is your new reality after you have gone through the Automatic Sales Academy and created your signature high-ticket offer, setup the funnel templates, and launched your offer!

After you've launched, you'll be able to focus on your zone of genius and lead your audience through your funnel and it will sell itself!

Isn't it time you finally have time freedom in your business?

stop putting it off.

"This system has literally been a game changer for me as a busy business owner and mama who wants to continue to grow."

- nichole fink

here's what you get:

Automatic sales academy

This is a self-paced course that will walk you through how to create your offer and sell it automatically.

Funnel Lab

This is the all-in-one sales and marketing platform that will save you hundreds $$$/month and hours of your life! This will be your home base for your offer.


Not only will you get a private Slack channel for questions, wins, community, and support, you will also get weekly Zoom calls for LIVE Q+A!



Inside the system, you will get instant access to my TIKTOK Masterclass! Tiktok is the #1 way to get knew eyeballs on your products/business opportunity and I am going to show you exactly how to get started!


This comprehensive, self-paced course is unlike anything you have ever seen. This isn't just a course on how to make a course. NO! This is a simple, tested system that will allow you to finally get your signature offer LAUNCHED and SELLING continuously with automated systems WITHOUT THE OVERWHELM.

sales academy




Sure, you can use this system to sell low-ticket offers, but I want you to PUSH and create a SIGNATURE offer that will rocket ship your revenue and allow you to reach $10k-$30k months FAST.

program breakdown:

yes plz


Ever take a course and the part where they teach you how to automate it completely goes over your head, you get overwhelmed and give up? You are not alone. That's why I created automations that have templates so it takes the guesswork out! These are automations without API integrations or ZAPIER (if you don't know what those are, you need this course *winky face emoji*)

yes plz


It's not enough to create the funnel. You have to FILL IT! In this course you will learn how to optimize your social media to activate your audience to take ACTION and increase your sales!

omg yasss


This is probably the best part. Ever start something new and have no one around to help you except YOUTUBE? Yep. Me too. I never want you to feel that way again! That's why I added a Slack Channel just for you AND weekly zoom calls for real-time HELP!


Grab your class on how to automate your DMs!

Inside the system, you will get instant access to my Manychat Masterclass! Manychat is how I automate my Instagram and Facebook Messages to convert into sales!







The results you're going to get:

How does this sound?

no more leads falling through the cracks because you can't keep up with the dms

no more leaving money on the table because you aren't following up 


create and sell digital products with ease and scale your business with real passive income.

ability to put your phone away and have peace knowing your leads are not waiting on you to respond


I designed this course for you to either take your time or knock it out! It's up to you! No two business owners are the same and I want you go at the pace that feels right to you!


You will get an obnoxious amount of modules (I'm updating weekly) that will walk you through each step of the process (in an simple and non-overwhelming way)


Finally, after learning the system, you will be able to access all of my templates (funnels, webinar slides, checklists and more!) and customize them for your own offers!


How it works

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

so let's get  you started!

“If you're On the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best decision you can make.”

- melissa

I'm Jordan English. Mom, wife, go-getter. After 5 years in the online business space and working in industries like real estate, accounting, network marketing, course creation, and business coaching, I've learned a thing or two about sales and marketing. 

I've put everything I've learned into this course so you can cut through the noise and get to werk setting up your passive income stream.

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

you're in the right place.

Have their audience primed and ready for a launch of a new offer through a LIVE class

Are posting strategic content on social that is attracting their dream clients into their world

Feel relief knowing that they finally have a system that is easily duplicatable for any offer they want to create

Have the all tech set up to automatically have their audience register for their class and have automated follow ups

Feel supported in their journey to creating automatic sales in their business

Have their signature offer created and ready to sell automatically 

By the end of 60 days, most clients...

sign up now

My journey began as a single mom at 19 pursuing a career in Accounting. That didn't work out. Long story short, I met my hubby, we fell in love, built a multiple six-figure real estate company then I needed more. I launched my podcast, joined network marketing, and decided to start doing things my way. 

Learn more

Five years ago, I was crying, overwhelmed, wondering what I was doing wrong.

How were these people actually making money online? How were their accounts growing so fast? Why was I spinning my wheels on what would work and feeling so burned out??

After years of pouring into automations and sales strategy, I realized that everyone was making it so complicated. I felt like I just had to spend more and more money to get someone to actually help me create the business I knew I was capable of. 

That's why I created this course! I never want you to feel the way I did!

i can help because i've been there

but nowI know how to help!

This course is the only one of it's kind because...

Simplifies the automated sales process

When you get a course from a course creation guru, there is a lot of emphasis on the course creation part, but when you start learning the tech of how to sell it automatically, they just skim over it. 

They also teach you how to piece together 5-8 different platforms with Zapier to make it work, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and defeated. 

This process uses ONE PLATFORM to sell your signature product automatically! 

and it was built to implement quickly

You barely have enough time to answer your DMs, much less build out an entire automations platform. That's why I did it for you.

Does it take time to learn? Yes. Does it take time to customize your system? Yes. But does it require years of online automations trainings and a huge time and money investment? No. 

I'm so excited for you to get your hands on this system and wake up to sales just like you always dreamed of!

customize at your own pace

design based on your unique biz model

launch your funnels to your social media

follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need grow your biz 10x.

This platform can only take you so far. You must take the time to learn the system, implement the strategies, and commit to growth. This isn't easy. This isn't a quick fix. This is a complete overhaul of your entire business model to create sustainable growth for you.

Creating your high-ticket signature offer

Creating systems that will sell your offers for you

Attracting your dream customers and working people who light you up!

Finally dialing into your zone of genius so you business can scale!

Doing the WERK that will allow you to reach $10k-$30k months PASSIVELY!

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

i'm ready!

This      for you if:

You have an existing online business

you are a chronic quitter and never commit to your goals

you are ready to create systems to sell your offers for you


you have a deep desire to wake up to sales notifications

It's probably        for you if...

you're not willing to ask for help with you get stuck



Let's do this thing.


business intensive 

Are you a leader in your industry and understand automations already? Are you ready for someone to take a look at your business and design custom funnels and landing pages for you? 

want more